knowing when to share.

When we share a post.

We first think where it would be appropriate, and where it would be inappropriate. 

If it's vulgar we send it to a "vulgar" group. Racist rants go to a white old boys group. Religious, and good values to the family groups. 
Regular good clean fun is safe and can be shared to any group. 

I have often experienced the terror of sending to the wrong group by accident, and had to urgently delete the message in the hope that nobody noticed. 

Every group seems to have a clearly defined set of rules (unspoken rules) that define good clean fun. They are all different, so every so often somebody gets it wrong, and we have witnessed them being roasted. The fear of being, similarly, chastised leads us to be more careful with "what" we post, and  "where".

With all the concern over kids safety online, we have all become paranoid about sharing photos of our kids to all but the most intimate family groups.. 

The ubiquitous camera however is  on everyone's phone and creates a  new challenge.

Paparazzi for regular people. 

People taking pictures in public spaces  might include you or your kids in the background. 

This is an unavoidable reality of our new world.

Perhaps the messaging software of the future  could assist us in making sure all forwards go to the intended groups. 

If we define the sensibilities and preference of each contact and group, and all forwards had a rating on key indicators, the software could make sure we don't cross over by mistake. Like a safeguard of sorts. 

This might just be a good app idea. 
(just in case  Zuckerberg is listening).

Is it just just me, or has anyone else noticed how Mark Zuckerberg looks like a robot analogue of a human.

Sending posts to the correct destination reminds me of a joke we would tell as kids.

Go up to a guy and ask him if he knew the difference between "post box" and an elephants arse.

Then he gives up and asks you to tell him.

You reply..

I am never sending you to post my letters.

M Parak
Mar 2021

Post script. 
If we were to define the sensibilities of this group, what would they be. 

This is an interesting thought experiment to vocalise internally what "hot button" issues exists in all the groups we belong to. Which could, as in my case lead you to wonder why we bother with the groups that have gone  "South of the border". 


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