Book of riddles, with the answer page missing
If you had a book of riddles and had lost the page at the back with the answers, the riddles would frustrate you and you wouldn't know how close you were to solving the problems.
But when somebody comes up with the correct answer, it just fits perfectly and there is no question about whether it is the right one or not.
It just fits.
Life is full of riddles, and despite what we are told, the last page in this book of life, where all the answers are to be found, is lost.
We flounder around, trying out so many different answers to life's problems, and then occasionally, suddenly some of the pieces fit.
The fit is so perfect that we can't imagine how we didn't see it in the first place.
And we can't imagine life any other way.
This is the way of the great truths in life.
They just fit.
And you can't imagine how you didn't see it before, and you can't imagine your world without it.
Growing up is a series of moments of revelation, when it all seems perfect. And if you try real hard you will have enough of the pieces in place to begin to see the bigger picture.
At least I hope that the pieces are all not just random red herrings in this funny sad crazy world we find ourselves in.
We could spend our limited time trying to decipher the secrets of the universe. But if you pick up any of the great works, you will find that countless others have dedicated their lives to finding meaning in it all.
Countless others have lived loved and died and the cemetaries of the world are full of really smart men and women who dedicated their life to the pursuit of truth.
What then makes the seeker of our age think he could succeed where countless others have not.
Hubris perhaps?
Why spend your life pursuing the unattainable. Why try to answer the unanswerable.
The answer will surely present itself soon enough to each one of us. When the curtain comes down for us.
Life is short.
Live, love and choose a path.
Any path and make it your truth.
The simplest philosophy is to respect others and tread lightly on the earth.
M Parak. 2014