Still a little magic left in the world
At a recent reunion my aunt took front and center and told us how she wanted to see us, the cousins present, spend of our time and money to help uplift the less privalaged.
At the time we humored her and gave her condescending applause, and went back to the merry making, without really giving much thought to the content of her talk.
She then sent money to seed the venture. And we again thought that she was being melodramatic, and we didn't think about it. Not really.
Then something strange happened. The idea germinated. And suddenly we saw what she meant. All of us together realised that it was up to us to pass on the flame to future generations as there were no grownups anymore, except us.
We were now the grown ups and it was now our turn to carry on the tradition, that Dada had in his own eccentric way began.
This was exciting and also a sobering thought.
This was exciting and also a sobering thought.
I set a high goal thinking that we could all pool together and maybe, just maybe we could actually make something happen.
Then suddenly we were tripping over each other to be counted and the fund was huge.
Really huge.
Really huge.
I don't really know how this happened, or why it happened, and if I did, I would bottle it and sell it.
But it did happen and here we are.
It's possible that we might not agree on the way forward, and that the fund will die a natural death, but I don't think so.
I think we can do this and make a difference.
Like that seed money became something huge, our few humble misguided actions could lead to something bigger, much bigger.
And we would have the knowledge that we were there.
On the ground floor when it all went down.
There is clearly still a little magic left in the world.
M Parak. 2014