Sometimes a man just needs to be by himself
Sometimes a man needs to experience his own company. My various trips to afrika and beyond have, every month or so allowed me to simply connect with my self.
It's a strange thing but I feel like a better version of myself because of the time that I have for introspection.
At first, I enjoy the trip because it simply allows me to disconnect, and decompress.
Then when I arrive, the challenges of the clients expectations begin to weigh on me. They invest a fortune in getting me to come and I am usually worried that I will disappoint.
First morning finds me, a little depressed, worried about home and work back home and my ability to complete the work.
Then I come back after the first day, and the client is happy with my contribution to his business and it's no longer a question of whether I have cost him a fortune, but how long I can stay.
At this stage I am sleeping well and adapted to the time difference. Usually engrossed in some new book or music.
Then my stomach settles and I begin to enjoy the good food and I am my self again.
And I take long walks after work and life is good.
I miss home, and I miss those that I love, but I am also celebrating being alive.
And experiencing a new place and new culture.
And then it's time to go back and it all happens in reverse.
So many people feel that I am too old for this life.
But I love every part.
It sucks when I am sick or my brain is slow, but I live day to day, by my wits.
Never knowing what tomorrow will bring and simply believing that it will all work out, and that I will always manage, anything they throw at me.
And so far I have.