The age of poo

While we have an incredible society that is increasingly dependant on the digital medium, there is a less obvious flip side.

As we get further along the age of technology, all of what we are, will be online in the cloud.

All history and culture, information, and most jobs.

And if  future archeologists unearth our civilization and don't find paper records. Which at this rate is quite likely.

If the electronic records are lost or unusable, (due to emf pulse from the sun) they will not know a thing about us or our lives.

Nothing that we have will survive. Not the billions of words and tweets not the zillions of pictures, and certainly not the video records of our lives.

We often think that ours might be the best documented civilization, but we might leave behind nothing that tells future historians, about who we are or how we lived.

All they would find are the slim pieces of glass with iPhone printed on them, and they might speculate that these were the coasters or saucers that we used to support our tea cups.

The largest legacy that that they find, would certainly be sealed plastic bags with disposable diapers, repleat with well preserved poo suspended  in anti bacterial gell.

And they might speculate that we drank a lot of hot beverages, and destroyed the cups (like Greeks) kept the saucers (with iPhone written on them) and preserved our poo, due to some superstitious religious practice of needing the poo in the afterlife.

M Parak 2015 Dubai.


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