Sticking it to the "MAN" and his "no fly" list

Having grown up in South Africa at the hight of apartheid, we were all very nervous about expressing ourselves, because the fear of the betrayal and the dire consequence of getting caught speaking out against the system. It was something that was drilled into us by our community.

You weren't meant to say anything against the "man" out of fear that you would bring misery to your family.

The advise that we got all the time was, if you have any political thoughts, keep them in your head.

If they were allowed out, they might take root, and that would make you a target.

That time has passed, and we live in a much more evolved world. 

In South Africa these days, you are pretty much free to say anything you like to anyone you like and it's all good.

Except, it's not.

Today we fear being red-flagged by the "man".
The new man in this equation is America and their dreaded "no fly list".

Legend has it that if we spoke out, against the man, he would put your name on a watch list and you wouldn't be allowed to visit USA.

The reason one might want to visit the "land of the free" would be to freely express oneself. (Catch 22 anyone?)

If you have something to say you will need to go the land of the free to express yourself.

But if you did have something to say, you got placed on a "no fly list" and as a result you didn't get to breath the sweet air of freedom.

M Parak 2015


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