Release the Kraken!

Over a decade ago my cousin recommended Stilnox, as a mild sleeping aid  that was gentle on the system, saying that it gave you a beautiful nights sleep when you were anxious, or on a flight.
He said, that it left one feeling refreshed and clear headed in the morning.
My experience with the tablet was, I must add exactly as he described, and I used the tablet whenever I flew and it was amazing.
On a flight a few years ago, I figured that if it took one hour to kick in, I should maybe take it as soon as I boarded the flight and when the meal was being cleared away I would drift off to sleep.
I awoke after a really lovely, deep sleep, and feeling fresh and chipper I turned to my wife and daughter to see if they were having as good a time as I was.
Imagine my  surprise when I found them cowering and crying uncontrollably.
I couldn't understand what had happened and no matter how many times I asked them, they wouldn't tell me who or what  had brought them to tears.
Finally my wife said, "look at your cloths" and when I looked down I got clue to what had happened.
My shirt was a mess!
Food and gravy all over the front.
It seems that soon after I took the tablet, I had an "out of mind" experience.
I had literally left the building, and the one that remained was a greedy hog. 
And a rude one at that.

The primitive lizard brain was in charge. 

I ate all my food. Correction, I tore through all my food, and then went on to  eat all of theirs too.
I was  wild, and quite rabid.
Then apparently, I buttered the slabs of cheese and gobbled them too.
My wife said that I had this fierce look in my eyes and they couldn't have any sensible conversation with me while I was "under".
What made it really scary is that I am usually a very mild and sensible sort.
They were actually afraid that I would get into a bust up with  other passengers.
So they prayed that I would finally fall asleep, and as suddenly as I started, I crashed, and began snoring, loudly. Really loudly.
The pilot apparently asked the steward if somebody was using power tools back there.
I of course had no recollection of any of this and as we were en route to Malaysia,  couldn't go on for another  15 hours in cloths that were soiled.
When we stopped at Dubai I bought the only t-shirt they had.
"Fly Emirates" is what it said.
For the next 15 hours I had lots of people on the flight make comments about how much I must love the airline.
Recently I find myself on planes, alone and afraid of another episode, so I brave the flight and deal with the long hours with clear mind.

Afraid of "Unleashing the Kraken".

M Parak.


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