Mr, Shave your beard.

I came across an advert on YouTube. Just one of those silly ads that you are forced to listen to before actually getting the video on puppies and kittens that the Internet was made for.
This was for a new 'fusion'  shaver by Gillette. The song in the background was a thin wailing women's voice, singing a delightful, song that when I 'shazammed' turned out to be "Mr. Shave your beard by Ros Serey Sothea."
Then I found that the Cambodian music was being revived by an American group called Dengue Fever. And I was suddenly exposed to a new sound and it was amazing.
The story of Ros Serey Sothea who was the darling of society before the revolution, and how she was abused and killed by the Kmer Rouge is so sad that it adds to the angst of the music.
The most exciting thing about this world is discovering new things and when the new thing you discover is long dead, it is so sad and so beautiful.
Follow the link below and you can share in my journey.

𝓜 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓴 
Nov 2015


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