dog biscuits
We are being bombarded with images of empty shelves in supermarkets and bakeries worldwide.
What we see are not gaps on the shelves but absolutely bare shelves.
Scenes where hords of fear crazed shoppers can't get enough bread and rolls.
In the midst of that, there is always that one bin, full of bland, tan biscuits.
It is the same every time.
With corona driven, frenzied shoppers stripping shelves bare.
Any brand, any quality,
With no regard for "sell by dates".
If even that ravenous crowd won't touch that pile of shit dog biscuits, why do they even keep it on their shelves.
Imagine the owner of that biscuit brand when he watches the news.
"If we aren't even noticed by a pack of wolves who will buy anything, what the fuck are we doing here?"
M Parak.
The covid 19 diaries.
Mar 21st 2020.
A friend read this and responded with. "you really hate those biscuits, Mo"
To which I replied.
The buscuits are figurative and represent all the dead stock that won't sell even if you put a gun to the customer and offered to pay him to buy it.
'I see dead stock. Some don't even know when they are dead.'
Dead stock is everywhere. And the question we need to ask is in this day and age of amazing accessible information why do these still exist?
The answer is that humans are fickle and gullible.
Some items need to be "sold".
You need to use your skills of persuasion and make people think they need it. The salesmen who got you to stock them in the first place did exactly that, and your staff usually make the effort.
So they might not be dead lines afterall. They might just require a nudge or a fancy display to sell. During a riot they don't get noticed because nobody bothers with the Jedi mind tricks when your store is emptied out before your eyes at a high markup.
This could explain it, but it might just be that the buscuits taste like shit, or smell like arse.