A New Dawn for Humanity
The low orbit network of satellites that were in the planning stage for decades, have been launched and are, as we speak, in the process of finding their position in the grid that will blanket-cover the entire planet.
Each pizza box-sized device will form a part of the constellation of hundreds of thousands of nodes.
When this network is all the way up, we will finally get to activate the embedded nanochip that will link each person on the planet with every other, in a large scale "model" of the human brain.
It's a truly grand scheme on a planetary scale, and if it succeeds, it will result in the creation of a supercomputer of such complexity that true Ai and the computer modelling of the very creation of the universe will finally be within our grasp.
The problem that this project faced from the get-go was getting people from all walks of life to accept the microscopic nanochip. People from every country and every culture had to be convinced that the chip would not interfere with their daily lives while contributing their "idle time" or unused brainpower to this ambitious project. The benefits of the project are numerous and game-changing but our natural scepticism and inability to act as a united species was the only obstacle that could prevent its success.
The "accidental" release of the virus and its worldwide spread were the perfect opportunities to have the world united with a single purpose. A battle that united the world against a common enemy. Then when the vaccines were released, the citizens of the world put aside their differences and queued up to take the jab.
They had achieved the impossible.
Almost half the population of the world would have taken the Jab by the end of the current wave of infections, and the "Quantum Jedi" project required only 30 per cent of the people of earth to have the nano implants to achieve its primary objectives.
The fact that the rollout had exceeded the success parameters is excellent for redundancy, and efficiency. The way that the neural network is constructed, as more nodes are added to the virtual device its complexity rises almost exponentially. The additional gains in complexity will bring items that were earmarked for phase two into the first phase.
Most people have faith that the system will result in the dawn for humanity. The resulting benefits for mankind and indeed the planet are immediate and profound. The natural scepticism innate in our species however would have us believe that this glorious joint effort is somehow unnatural, or alien. That humanity is incapable of a truly altruistic act, and as such, there has to be an "angle". That big pharma would find a way to profit from this and that man was not meant to have this much power. That somehow being part of such a magnificent global organism will reduce our "humanity".
One needs only examine the primary goals of the project to see that it represents the logical choice for us as a species. In fact, given the state of the world we find ourselves in, the absolute mess we have left for our future generations this might be the only choice we have that sees humanity and the earth survive for another century.
The initial first gain will be connectivity.
All humans will be online, all the time. The sim card will be a thing of the past. Our devices will be able to identify us uniquely and as a result, identity is unchallenged.
All id books, passports, biometric logins and passwords will be obsolete. We will never have to prove who we are again. Our uniqueness will be guaranteed within the system. This is fundamental to the success of the entire enterprise.
The gains to us will be the seamless transactions and the ability to communicate with anybody who has shared their inbox public key with us. Like having somebody's personal cell number but so much more. You will never be out of touch with your loved ones again. No matter where on the planet they are. This will transcend the boundaries of language within the first year and we will be able to communicate as a global species for the first time in our history.
The means of "global speak" is hard to explain to the uninitiated. Something akin to explaining WhatsApp or Facebook to the pre-industrial mankind.
These are the fringe benefits that gave the system its appeal to the masses. The prime directives however were to create a global mind that uses the free bandwidth of every brain on the planet.
Within the span of the first decade, the emerging Ai will have at its disposal an unprecedented level of processing power and storage. The collective brainpower of a planet acting in unison.
The cure for cancer and all the diseases that plague mankind will be addressed first. Next would be ageing. We could all live 150 years or more. Virtual entertainment and virtual reality education will finally be an everyday norm. Baked into the system.
The energy crisis, pollution, famine and war, all things of the past.
These noble goals are finally within our reach.
Get the damn Jab.
𝓜 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓴
Sep 2021