Once it’s possible, it’s probable

When machines learnt to decode biometrics it involved a massive server farm with many programs working together to decipher finger prints.  

In the beginning it was actually faster to give the fingerprints to a human to study. 

Then you didn’t need all that hardware and it could be done on a standalone server. Over the next few iterations the code was streamlined for efficiency over and over until we started seeing biometrics enter the commercial space. 

Then an amazing thing happened. 

Scientists were able to compress all the biometric algorithms onto a single chip. 

At this point we were able to implement fingerprint security for phones and devices. 

Standalone chips that worked without access to any upstream internet or cloud servers. 

When machines learnt to read out aloud, or understand human speech, when computers were able to navigate the intricacies of the roads of the world. Offline. 
We can begin to see the pattern emerging. 

Each new cutting edge technology that the machines achieved was soon shrunk down to the nanoscale within a short space of time. 

Today the coal face is LLMs. 

Large language models are the party trick of this decade. They have existed for centuries in the dreams of our philosophers, and this year (2023) the public was introduced to Chat GPT, and our world was again changed forever. 

The internet is understandably abuzz with instructions to host your own instance of the LLM. 

Each corporation could have their own version of the artificial intelligence. 

Trained on their own data the Ai would be able to make leaps of understanding from their data. These corporations who embrace the technology will find themselves with superior better priced product ready for market at the perfect moment. 

The holy grail of business. 

Lawyers who embrace the technologies will be better lawyers. Indeed all skilled knowledge based professionals would be better at their profession if they had an intelligent assistant. 

This too would be over the next few years, be optimised and compressed into an impossible seeming nanoscale. 

One could at this point conceive a tiny device that could see, speak, understand and advise anyone doing pretty much anything. 

If you project this further then you can imagine all of the above on a single chip. A chip that would be used on all electronic devices, period. 

All the electronics in the world able to see, hear, understand, speak and solve problems. Across language barriers, and cross disciplines. 

It doesn’t matter if they achieve self awareness or not. That is probably a discussion on its own. The potential for war and conflict are obvious but again this will not stop the advance of Ai. 

Our futures will be a partnership between us and the Ai. 

This partnership has the potential to destroy our world as we know it but it also has the potential to create a world of plenty, and peace and the rule of rationality. 

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Sep 2023


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